Lesson Plans

May 16/17/18
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Have Fun

Our purpose is for the kids to follow Jesus, persevere with him, and by his grace overcome any circumstance in their lives. We are here to help them step into their destinies. Although this all sounds very serious, let's remember, God knows how to have fun. Our job is to lead the children, but give opportunity for them to have fun, and allow them to see us having fun.

Jr. Leaders - Be on time (1/2 hr before service - team meeting)

Being on time is important. If you are in charge of setting up a station, you will need to be here and have it set up before the team meeting.

Jr. Leaders - Have Fun

While we all work hard in children's ministry, we still need to have fun. It is important that the kids see that we are having fun while serving the Lord and working with them. It is important to find ways to have fun in our small groups as well as during the rest of kids ministry.


to come



The Holy Spirit lives in me.

But I have preprinted a dove instead of a butterfly.  kids can cut out and color, then follow the instructions with two straws and voila.... very easy but fun.

The game is again up to the leaders.  Please remember to keep contact to a minimum.


We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.


None today

January 17
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Have Fun

Our purpose is for the kids to follow Jesus, persevere with him, and by his grace overcome any circumstance in their lives. We are here to help them step into their destinies. Although this all sounds very serious, let's remember, God knows how to have fun. Our job is to lead the children, but give opportunity for them to have fun, and allow them to see us having fun.

Jr. Leaders - Be on time (1/2 hr before service - team meeting)

Being on time is important. If you are in charge of setting up a station, you will need to be here and have it set up before the team meeting.

Jr. Leaders - Have Fun

While we all work hard in children's ministry, we still need to have fun. It is important that the kids see that we are having fun while serving the Lord and working with them. It is important to find ways to have fun in our small groups as well as during the rest of kids ministry.


to come

  • Remember that we can only have 13 and 14 people plus 2 leaders in each room at any given time.

This sunday we will be continuing with - blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteiouness for they will be filled.

WE will be taking a closer look at David and the time he had the chance to kill Saul in the cave but didn't. 


Kids will tear paper into pieces and glue them to a paper making a collage or picture or pattern with these. This will remind them that David cut the piece off of Saul's robe.


haven't thought of one yet. Pick one of the social distancing friendly games in the games area of this website. Social distancing is much more important right now. There are more places kids may have been exposed to Covid without knowing it.


We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.


None today

Jan 31
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Have Fun

Our purpose is for the kids to follow Jesus, persevere with him, and by his grace overcome any circumstance in their lives. We are here to help them step into their destinies. Although this all sounds very serious, let's remember, God knows how to have fun. Our job is to lead the children, but give opportunity for them to have fun, and allow them to see us having fun.

Jr. Leaders - Be on time (1/2 hr before service - team meeting)

Being on time is important. If you are in charge of setting up a station, you will need to be here and have it set up before the team meeting.

Jr. Leaders - Have Fun

While we all work hard in children's ministry, we still need to have fun. It is important that the kids see that we are having fun while serving the Lord and working with them. It is important to find ways to have fun in our small groups as well as during the rest of kids ministry.


to come


Remember that we have room limits currently. That means we may have to have some youth go to the main service during our lesson time. We are also currently splitting between the two rooms during lesson time.


We will be continuing with the beatitudes - blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy. We are looking at the story about the woman who was caught in sin and should be stoned to death. Jesus however showed her mercy instead. During the lesson, kids will be given a stone each. 


We will make cards for our compassion kids and our missions kids. We can help them by encouraging them through cards. We will put out multiple supplies for kids to choose from as they are creative in making a card.


Remember to not share equipment and keep distance between participants.


We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.


Not today.

February 7
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Be kind

We expect kids to be kind to one another and to those serving in the ministry. That means sincere apologies when required. However, keep in mind that some kids come from difficult situations or even different values being taught to them. We speak to them on how to be kind and why it is important, but to force them to apologize only forces them to lie. Please call a leader if you need help with a child consistently being unkind.

Jr. Leaders - Notice your surroundings

Be aware of what is going on around you.

Pay attention to potential unsafe situations and act to prevent them. Pay attention to where the children are and how they are doing. Do they need some of your attention? Pay attention to where your fellow teammates are and how they are doing.


to come


Please keep an eye on the number of people per room during station time. It is important to keep to the proper numbers as we minister.


- during small groups you will be asked to talk about in ways dirt and water are good and bad.

Dirt - GOOD - growing plants/vegetables/food, filling in cracks, ....  BAD - make things dirty.....

Water - GOOD - drink, clean, .....  BAD - flood, drown, ...

- You will also be adding dirt to bottled water.  Just a bit please. Hopefully next week we will filter the water through a homemade filter system with charcoal, sand and small rocks.

On Feb 28, during second service, I won't be in the classrooms, so I trust you will be able to run it for me. Please let me know if you are going to be there for the second service, so I can plan ahead.


Kids will draw on craft foam heart and then spend time cleaning them in soap and water. Should be fun and messy.




We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.



February 14
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Be helpful - Lead others.

Pay attention to who is in the children's leadership (helping) space. Their leadership space is the space that is covered by extending their arms and spinning in a circle. Anyone who occupies that space is someone they can help if they need it. We need to train them to pay attention to who is in that space. Instead of us helping that child, let the child be the one to help that child in need. If there is no one in that space, and they would like to be helpful, they can move themselves so someone is in that space. However, they also need to learn that not everyone needs help. Part of being a leader is to learn to allow others to do for themselves what they can.

Jr. Leaders - Put the kids first

Not to be confused with spoiling the children and letting them have their way - but you are here to serve the kids, not to please your every desire. If you have to choose between what you want, and what would be best for the child, you choose what is best for the child.

Jr. Leaders - Do the little things

Pick up any garbage, help a new kid get to a station, speak a word of encouragement, pick up that stray toy and put it away, .... Do the little things that seem unimportant and insignificant. All those little things add up to having a good attitude and to things running well. If you are faithful with little, you will be given more.


to come


Youth team training - Feb 21 after church - stay tuned to pre-order your personal order for lunch.

Remember, we are limited to 13 and 14 people per room including staff. So, as number of kids increases may mean that some of you youth leaders will take in the main service instead. Grade 5 and 6 leaders are still counted as kids.

Church Annual General Meeting (AGM) - the youth will run second service. I will pop in and out to check to be sure all is going well. I will share more details at our training, but I will need to know who will is able to be there to run stations and small groups etc..... 


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God - I couldn't have planned the timing any better than to have this one on Valentines day!!

Daniel will lead one of the classrooms, Samantha the other. 

During the lesson, there will be a group leader led activity in which you will lead a discussion as per things in kids' lives that are not being pure in heart, they will scribble with washable marker on a foam heart, and then they will wash off their scribbles to represent allowing HS to come and purify them.  Yup, messy!!

Sarah will do an experiment in which we will take the soil dirty water from last week and run it through a homemade water filter to clean the water again.


** But instead of I love you.... change it to:  God loves you.....




We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.



February 21
CODE OF CONDUCT - Tip of the Week
Kids - Have Fun

Our purpose is for the kids to follow Jesus, persevere with him, and by his grace overcome any circumstance in their lives. We are here to help them step into their destinies. Although this all sounds very serious, let's remember, God knows how to have fun. Our job is to lead the children, but give opportunity for them to have fun, and allow them to see us having fun.

Jr. Leaders - Be on time (1/2 hr before service - team meeting)

Being on time is important. If you are in charge of setting up a station, you will need to be here and have it set up before the team meeting.

Jr. Leaders - Have Fun

While we all work hard in children's ministry, we still need to have fun. It is important that the kids see that we are having fun while serving the Lord and working with them. It is important to find ways to have fun in our small groups as well as during the rest of kids ministry.


to come


Due to some of our team needing to quarantine, we will delay our in person youth training date till March 7 after church. I need an RSVP from each of you so I can be sure to have the proper amount of food. We will meet in the sanctuary since there is more space for us. Samantha will be our guest speaker as she will share some small group strategies she has been learning.

February 28 is our AGM. Only those who are registered to attend the meeting during our second service will be able to make use of our kids church. I will find out the week prior how many kids are registered so I will know how many youth we will need to run kids church that servicd.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. We will look at the historical event of when David again had opportunity to kill King Saul but chose not to. It is recorded in 1 Samuel 26. 


** Make penny spinners (using nickels).  As they spin, they get into a peaceful time where the designs mix into one continuous mixture of all the colours. This is like when we have peace in our lives. Even though there are many things happening (and the spinners have designs and colors), we can have a peaceful time not allowing them to become greater than God and experience the peace from the HS instead.





We will choose toys that are easy to clean. We will set out a few choices (and not all within each choice). Once a child has played with a toy, it will go into the 'to be cleaned' bin. Once cleaned, it can be used by another child.

