GO Kids


We are passionate in helping kids engage with Holy Spirit and each other through discussions and activities. When kids arrive, they will participate in a variety of stations of their choice - choices include craft, game, playing with toys, and other extra stations we make available for any particular session. After this, they will break into small groups as they partake in a large group lesson. The small groups are led by trained youth leaders for: Discussion Times,  Bible Reading, and Activities. Through the set up of station time and small group time, children will build relationships with youth they can look up to, and will also have the opportunity to be trained in leadership at a young age. 

Go to the YouTube link to learn all the books of the bible
Name the Time Machine Contest

Collector Cards
Family Booklets - Dive deeper into some of the historical events we studied

To access all the family booklets created by the Canadian Bible Society go to: https://biblesociety.ca/the-word-for-families

Weekly Take Home Sheets

Memories (Vidoes)

A couple videos I came across from the past. Time to add some more!!

Bible Verses with WoofWoof

Follow WoofWoof at instragram.com/woofwoofrover

JULY 19 - Bye for now - WoofWoof will return:

JULY 12 - Hebrews 13:8

JULY 5 - John 14:6

JUNE 28 - Deuteronomy 31:20

JUNE 21 - Acts 27:18-19


POINTS WEST LIVING - Easter Video for Points West Living

Mary, Did You Know - Easter Video - Music done by Pentatonix.

Christ Arose Kids Music Video - music taken from Group Publishing Sky VBS CD

Kids Church Sunday (March - June 2020)
Sunday December 13

Scavenger Hunt Pictures

2020 Sunday Scavenger Hunts

The pictures submitted for the picture scav hunt

Sunday June 14, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Acts 16
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson: Instructions for Sarah's Science experiment are below.

Bonus Clip:

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

Items this week:   LIGHT, OPEN DOOR

Sarah's Science Segment Instructions:

What you will need: 
  • Jar with lid
  • raw egg
  • vinegar
  • patience to wait a few days
  1. Gently put egg into jar.
  2. Add vinegar so egg is covered (egg will float but that is okay) and put the lid on.
  3. After a day, gently turn egg in jar so that the top of the egg is now submersed in the vinegar.
  4. Leave egg in the jar until all the shell has disappeared!
Sunday June 7, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Acts 12
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson: A follow up craft will be done together on Zoom on Tuesday. For more details look above in the Kids Craft Corner section.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

Items this week:   Sandals,  Strike a pose to look like a Roman Guard

Sunday May 31, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Acts 3 and 4
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:  

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:


Sunday May 24, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

Video Lesson:   If you wish to do Sarah's Science Experiment, the instructions are below. **** This is a parent supervised Experiment!

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

Items this week:   FLAME, GIFT

Science Experiment Gone Wrong!

Pentecost Pinwheel - A craft we will do together on facebook live on Tuesday May 26 at 1:00! The template and instructions are available above.

Sarah's Science Segment Instructions:

What you will need: 
  • 1/2 c Rubbing Alcohol (91%)
  • 1/2 c Water
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • paper
  • lighter
  • metal tongs
  • bowl
  • safety gear (goggles, container with water or fire extinguisher)
             Do not get your fingers wet - they will catch fire if they do!
  1. Mix rubbing alcohol, water, and salt in bowl.
  2. Soak the paper in the bowl for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Take the paper out of the bowl with tongs (to be sure to not get any liquid on yourself!)
  4. Hold over the safety tray filled with water.
  5. Hold the lighter under the paper and light on fire.
Sunday May 17, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Mark 14:43 - Mark 16:7
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:   If you wish to do Sarah's Science Experiment, the instructions are below.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:


Sarah's Science Segment Instructions:

What you will need:
- 2 clear cups (one labeled “sin” and one labeled with a cross)
- Food colouring
- 1/3 Cup Bleach
- 2 tsp Baking soda
- 3/4 Cup Water
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Old shirt you are fine with if it gets bleach on it (just in case)
- Spoon/Stir stick
We are working with BLEACH so BE CAREFUL
Do not drink, inhale…
Do not get on clothing
Wear gloves and goggles for extra protection
If you have long hair, you might want to put it up.
*Parents might want to do the work with the bleach if have younger kids.
  1. Place water into the glass labelled sin/representing sin
  2. Add baking soda to the glass and mix it together
  3. Add about 2-3 drops of food colouring
  4. Measure the bleach into the cup representing Jesus’ blood/labeled with a cross
  5. Pour the bleach into the “sin” cup and watch as the food colouring disappears and becomes clear again
  6. Add a couple of drops of food colouring, one at a time, and watch as the solution becomes clear again
* You might need to stir to get rid of the food colouring
- Try seeing how many drops of food colouring you can add to the solution before it does not go back to clear(ish). (This will be a lot just so you know).
- The baking soda added to the water speeds up the reaction and helps the water become clearer. If you want, try without the baking soda and see what happens. 
Have fun!!
Sunday May 10, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Mark 11:1-18
  • paper and color pencils
  • Map - Although I don't agree with all the opinions on this website, the maps listed are very useful. This map shows
    • Galilee - where Jesus was for most of his ministry.
    • Jerusalem - today's destination.

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson.  If you wish to do Sarah's Science Experiment, you can copy her setup that you can see during her segment.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:


Sunday May 3, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles - Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39
  • paper and color pencils
  • Cup of 'tea' (or juice ...) if you wish to join WoofWoof for tea.
  • Map - Although I don't agree with all the opinions on this website, the maps listed are very useful. This map shows
    • Galilee - where Jesus was for most of his ministry.
    • Decapolis, also known as the area of the Ten Cities, where the man healed from Demons lived and now travelled through to minister.

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson. You may have to give the video a bit of time to load. 

If you wish to do Sarah's Science Experiment, she gives all the instructions needed during her segment.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

Items this week: 


Sunday April 26, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles,
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson. You may have to give the video a bit of time to load. 

If you wish to do Sarah's Science Experiment after the lesson sometime, see the recipe below.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

Items this week:  BREAD, HELPING SOMEONE

Sarah's Science Segment recipe - Elephant Toothpaste:

Supplies: safety glasses, empty water bottle, tray or baking dish to catch the foam, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, food colouring, 1 tbsp dish soap, cup, stir stick, 3 tbsp warm water, 1 tbsp yeast


  1. Gather all your supplies and have them ready to go.
  2. Put on your safety goggles and place bottle on the tray (you may wish to cover the table you are working on).
  3. Pour hydrogen peroxide into bottle.
  4. Add about 8-10 drops of food colouring.
  5. Add dish soap.
  6. Swish around in the bottle to mix it together.
  7. In a cup mix the warm water and yeast. Stir about 30 seconds.
  8. Immediately add yeast mixture to the contents of the bottle.
  9. Watch it grow!
Sunday April 19, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • box or laundry basket as a boat
  • bibles,
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson. You may have to give the video a bit of time to load.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

When you find the item or do the action, take a picture of your child(ren) or your family with the item or doing the action. Have fun with it and get creative. Then email each picture to

The pictures will be posted on this webpage (see selection for Scavenger Hunt Pictures below).

1. BOAT 

  • Jesus and his disciples crossed the lake in a boat when the storm came up.


  • Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat on a cushion.
Sunday April 12, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • bibles,
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson.  (If you are only seeing a black screen for the video, try playing about 10 seconds of video by clicking the play button in top left corner. Then stop and reload your webpage and see if that will load the video for you). If you have further problems please email me at

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

When you find the item or do the action, take a picture of your child(ren) or your family with the item or doing the action. Have fun with it and get creative. Then email each picture to

The pictures will posted on this webpage (see selection for Scavenger Hunt Pictures below).


  • On Good Friday we remember that Jesus died for our sins on a cross. Then three days later he rose again and he is still alive today!

2. MAT

  • The man in the story who was paralyzed was carried by his friends on a mat. He was lowered through a hole in the roof and Jesus then healed him!
Sunday April 5, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: 

  • Couple of Stuffies,
  • print out this page - will use again in future weeks.
  • bibles,
  • paper and color pencils

Video Lesson:  There is a short scavenger hunt activity following the lesson.

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

At the end of the lesson, two scavenger hunt challenges will be given. When you find the item or do the action, take a picture of your child(ren) or your family with the item or doing the action. Have fun with it and get creative. Then email each picture to

The following week, I will post those pictures on our website (see selection for Scavenger Hunt Pictures below) so you can share the experience with the other kids/families who participated.

This week:

  1. Take a picture with your STUFFY 
      • THAT REMINDs us that all people are created by God, t we are all different. We have different likes,  different things we are good at, different life experiences, even different things that we are learning. But we are all called by Jesus to Follow him. To become his student, his disciple, to be ready to follow Jesus’ instructions and be trained by Jesus.


      • Matthew held a banquet for Jesus. Because of Matthew's life experience of being a tax collector, he was able to invite his other tax collector friends to join him and introduce them to Jesus. 

Sunday March 29, 2020

Supplies for video lesson: bibles, paper, color pencils

Video Lesson:  There are follow up activities after the video

Weekly Picture Scavenger Hunt:

At the end of the lesson, two scavenger hunt challenges will be given. When you find the item or do the action, take a picture of your child(ren) or your family with the item or doing the action. Have fun with it and get creative. Then email each picture to

The following week, I will post those pictures on our website so you can share the experience with the other kids/families who participated.

This week:

  1. Find a ROCK and take a picture (could be small like a pebble or big) 
      • Satan came to Jesus and tempted him to turn a rock into bread thereby proving that he is the Son of God. 


      • The devil took Jesus to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple and then a bit later took him to the top of a very high mountain.

CRAFT IDEAS (pick one or do them both):

CRAFT ONE: Have kids paint the rock or rocks they found.



      • liquid glue
      • cotton ball or something to spread the glue
      • crafting sand (you probably don’t have that on hand. You can use salt or something similar of whatever you have on hand - you could color the salt by mixing salt and food colouring in a plastic baggie, but then you will need to let it dry before using it)
      • Click HERE, Hit the download icon near the top right and then print out the page you want - regular or card stock is good.

To Make:

      • Drizzle some glue on the picture where you want to have the sand (or salt, …). Let your child spread the glue out by using the cotton ball. 
      • Now pour 1/4 cup or so of sand over the glue. Then lift up paper over a bin to shake off the extra sand to save for another child.
      • Now you have a desert picture.


Supplies:  6 containers, pen and paper, something to represent stones that you can throw inside the house safely.

Purpose: When Satan was tempting Jesus to sin, he tempted him to change a stone into bread. Jesus knew that he didn’t have to prove himself to anyone, including Satan, and spoke from bible to say that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from God. Today, we will play a game using stones (the item you chose to represent a stone) to remind us that even when we are tempted to sin, Jesus is always with us to help us to do the right thing.


  • On a slip of paper, write:  Deuteronomy 31:6   Be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid of them. Don’t be terrified because of them. The Lord your God will go with you. He will never leave you. He’ll never desert you.”
  • Cut the 6 sentences of the verse apart.
  • Put one sentence into each container.
  • Set the containers a small distance away.

Play:  The child(ren) now take turns trying to throw the ‘stone’ into each container. When they are successful, they can take out the slip of paper. Once they have won all slips of paper they can put them in order and read it out with help if needed.

Thursday March 26, 2020

This video is a follow up to Sunday, March 22,  episode of What's in the Bible, that the children watched.

Sunday March 22, 2020

1. Join your family for worship time.

2. Get a family member to help you print this page - it is a bingo page to match pictures from the video you will be watching.

3. Connect to RightNow Media and watch WHAT'S IN THE BIBLE? VOL 10: JESUS IS THE GOOD NEWS! Episode 2 - Your parents will have to log in. (Don't have an account?  Click here to sign up -- It's free!)

Short Hello from Pastor Sintia

Joining us for the first time this weekend?

Learn more about check-in and child safety