GO Train


At Cold Lake Community Church, we believe that children and youth are a vital part of church community. Our Mission is to share God’s love everywhere by leading people to an authentic, life-changing relationship with Jesus. Our Children’s and Youth programs align with that mission because we know that we can’t do it without the next-generation. We work hard to equip young and old to lead, and we also work hard at bringing children and youth into a genuine relationship with Jesus so they can follow him, persevere with him, and by his grace overcome any obstacles that come their way.

There is no room for the church to add to the obstacles that children or youth need to overcome, and as such, there will be no tolerance of any kind of abuse by any of the paid or unpaid staff involved in the children’s and youth programs. Cold Lake Community Church is committed to the safety and well being for all who participate in Children and Youth Ministry. This GO Protect policy will help to avoid opportunity for abuse of children and youth and at the same time will protect the staff from false or wrongful allegations. 

As we minister to the children and youth, our focus needs to be on loving them and facilitating their walk with the Lord.  By adhering to the GO Protect Policy, we provide an environment for our staff to do so successfully

"I urge all Christian leaders to be proactive and ensure that all things are done in agreement with Paul’s advice to the Corinthians “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” Christian ministries must be a model for the world in how we handle the potential for abuse." - John Pellowe, CEO Canadian Council of Christian Charities

“Our ability to reach people is directly related to how well we care for their children.” - Rev. Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church 

All Staff Must Be Screened
  • Completed Application Form - Go to "Joining Our Team"  above.
  • References from your application form will be checked
  • Interview
  • GO Protect (to be updated once per year)
  • GO Train
  • Criminal Record check (to be updated once every 5 years)

Get directions from the Children's Pastor on how to obtain a criminal record check.

GO Protect Quiz
In order to be successful in your GO Protect training, you will need to complete the following:
GO Protect Quiz

3. It is completely acceptable to leave a youth leader under 16 alone with a group of children as long as the door is left open.*

7. If a parent dropping off her child at the nursery gives you a bottle of milk for the child you will need to explain to the parent that you cannot accept the bottle. They will need to administer the bottle elsewhere like the mother’s room.*

8. You are playing with a couple of the children in the toddler room. They are having fun and begin to tickle you, so you quickly return the favour and tickle them. Is this considered acceptable?*

12. As you are talking with and praying with a child/youth, you realize that he may be enduring physical abuse by the hand of his dad. As soon as you find out, you need to call the dad and confront him with what you have discovered.*

I have taken the Cold Lake Community Church GO Protect Training. I understand and agree to comply with the GO Protect policies and procedures. I am committed to protect the health and safety of children and youth at all times.*

What Is Child Abuse?

“Child abuse refers to an act committed by a parent, caregiver or person in a position of trust (even though he/she may not care for the child on a daily basis) which is not accidental and which harms or threatens to harm a child’s physical or mental health, or a child’s welfare.” - Faith Trust Institute, 2006

Types of Child Abuse

Physical abuse is any deliberate physical force or action that results, or could result, in injury to a child.  It can include:

  • Punching
  • Slapping
  • Beating
  • Shaking
  • Burning
  • Biting
  • Throwing a Child

It is different than what is considered reasonable discipline.  (The Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex, 2007)

A child who is physically abused may:

  • Have burns, bite marks, cuts, bruises, or welts in the shape of an object
  • Not want to go home
  • Be afraid of adults

(Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Service)


Sexual abuse occurs when a child is used for the sexual gratification of an adult or an older child.  Coercion (physical, psychological or emotional) is intrinsic to sexual abuse.  This is what distinguishes it from sexual exploration with peers.

It is against the law:

  • to touch a child for a sexual purpose
  • to encourage or force a child to touch another person in a sexual way
  • encourage or force a child to participate in any sexual activity
  • tell a child to touch him or herself for an adult’s or older child’s sexual purposes

Sexual abuse of children can take many forms. This includes:

  • sexual intercourse
  • exposing a child's private areas
  • indecent phone calls
  • fondling for sexual purposes
  • watching a child undress for sexual pleasure
  • allowing a child to look at, or perform in pornographic pictures or videos
  • engage in prostitution

(The Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex, 2007)

A child who is sexually abused may:

  • have an inappropriate knowledge of sexual acts
  • be very compliant or extremely aggressive
  • be afraid of a certain person or a family member
  • have difficulty walking or sitting

(Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Service)


Emotional abuse is a pattern of behaviour that attacks a child's emotional development and sense of self worth. It includes excessive, aggressive or unreasonable demands that place expectations on a child beyond his or her capacity.

Emotional Abuse Includes:

  • constantly criticizing
  • Teasing
  • Belittling
  • Insulting
  • Rejecting
  • Ignoring
  • Isolating the child

It also includes failure by a parent or caregiver to provide their children with love, emotional support, and guidance.

(The Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex, 2007)

A child who is emotionally abused may show:

  • signs of serious anxiety, depression or withdrawal
  • self-destructive or aggressive behaviour
  • delays in physical, emotional or mental development

(Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Service)


Neglect is the failure to meet a child's basic needs for:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Shelter
  • Sleep
  • Medical Attention
  • Education
  • Protection from harm

This can occur when parents:

  • do not know about appropriate care for children
  • when they cannot adequately supervise their children
  • when they are unable to plan ahead

(The Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex, 2007)

A child who is neglected may:

  • not wear clothing that's suitable for the weather
  • be dirty or unbathed
  • be very hungry
  • not be properly supervised

(Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Service)

Some Terms To Know

HARASSMENT - Repeated subtle or overt action, particularly by a person in a position of trust which causes the recipient to feel attacked, demeaned, intimidated or manipulated.

IMPROPER TOUCHING - Touching which creates feelings of violation, confusion, isolation.  It may include kissing a child, coaxing a child to give a kiss, extended hugging or tickling, touching a child in any area that would be covered by a swimsuit, or other areas that are inappropriate like the thighs, knees, carrying older children or having them sit on an adult’s lap.

IMPROPER DISCIPLINE - Improper discipline involves inappropriate and harmful attempts to control a child.  It includes yelling or screaming at children, threatening them or physically hurting them.  By contrast, proper discipline involves establishing clear boundaries of acceptable behaviour and maintaining such behavioural expectations with firm and kind expressions of authority.

POSITION OF TRUST - The role wherein parents and/or guardians have entrusted their children or youth to the care of ministry staff (paid or unpaid). 

STAFF - Any screened paid or unpaid person serving in any of our child or youth programs (unless specified whether the staff is paid or unpaid).

Staff Standards

For the protection of our children and youth, staff are to be committed to maintaining a consistent spiritual life including prayer, Bible reading, ministry training, and attendance at children/youth events. Youth ministry staff are also expected to attend planning meetings and worship services.

Staff are to be role models of integrity. Staff are to refrain from activities that are illegal or could be considered morally and biblically questionable.


At least two unrelated staff, or, one staff with door open and a hall monitor circulating from room to room.


The following classroom ratios are approximations. Depending upon the circumstances, ratios can be modified.

  • Nursery - 6 -18 months : 1 staff for every 3 children
  • Toddlers - 18 months - age 3: 1 staff for every 5-6 children
  • Kids Church - ages 4-12: 1 staff for every 8-10 children
  • Junior High Events: 1 staff for every 7 students
  • Senior High Events:  1 staff for every 10 students
  • Overnight/Off-site youth events: 1 staff for every 7 students

If taking children outside, proper and continuous supervision will be expected.

To comply with insurance standards, there must be at least two unrelated staff at all youth events

Overnight events with mixed genders must be accompanied by both male and female staff.

It is recommended that there be a 5 year gap between staff and the youth they serve.

staff under 18:

These youth may only serve under the direct supervision of an adult ministry staff.

and Identification of ministry staff: 

All ministry staff will sign-in to the appropriate classroom using the computer registration system. They will wear their name tags so it is clear to others that they are staff.


    • Staff are encouraged to meet with youth in small group settings and should always be working with a team of other staff.
    • The ministry lead (Youth Director) must pre-approve the conducting of any one-on-one mentoring/activities with students. Once approved all information about these activities must be documented and filed.
    • One-on-one mentoring must be done in public settings and only under the following conditions:
  1. The ministry lead is informed of the time and place of the meeting prior to the meeting
  2. Parental permission has been granted
    • One-on-one meetings between staff and youth during on-site events must not take place behind closed doors. It is required that the meeting take place with an open door, and in a room with an unobstructed window.

A visitor is anyone who is not a screened staff.  For example, guest speakers, parents needing to stay with their children, or a potential staff member whose screening is not yet completed. If a person begins to attend the program on a more regular basis, they will need to be screened.

Visitors will not be put in a place of trust with children or youth.

They need to sign-in to the appropriate classroom.

Child Dismissal

Each child will be assigned a number on their name tag, and each adult will have a receipt with a matching number.  When the matching receipt is presented, the child will be released - please do not release pre-school children to kids or youth.

Once all children have been picked up, receipts may be destroyed.

  • Staff will not change diapers - please call parents
  • Staff will not take children to bathroom - if they can’t go by themselves staff will contact parent for help.
  • If a bathroom is available in their classroom, children will use it.
  • Staff will supervise child using the bathroom, by standing in a place that is both visible to the bathroom location and to others.
  • IF a child needs help in the bathroom, two staff must be present.
  • ONLY female staff will assist the child.
  • Never enter the bathroom unless another staff is present.
  • Never enter the bathroom and close the door.

If a group of children need to use the washroom at once, and a bathroom outside the classroom needs to be used:

  • Staff will escort the children to the washroom and prop the door open to make sure that everything is in order. If there is no one else in the washroom, staff should remain outside the washroom door and wait for the children before escorting them back to the classroom. If there is someone else in the washroom, staff will remain in the washroom until all others are gone, staff will then wait outside.
  • Staff are not to be alone with children in an unsupervised washroom and are never to enter into the cubicle with a child and shut the door
  • Male staff will accompany male children and female staff will accompany female children to the washroom.
Water Fountain

Staff will accompany children to the water fountain.

Incident Report

If a child or youth becomes injured during a church program or event or was in an altercation that demanded extra attention, staff will complete an incident report. Go Protect document: Incident Report. Parents will be notified of the incident. If the report was not completed by the Child or Youth Director, the report is to be forwarded to the corresponding Director. In case of serious injury, the Director will be required to advise the Senior Pastor of the incident.

Off-Site or Overnight Events/Retreats
  1. Written communication must be distributed to parents and guardians with location and emergency phone numbers.
  2. Off-site consent forms must be signed by a parent/legal guardian prior to any child or youth attending an off-site event. Consent forms must be held by a staff during the event and then filed permanently in the church office.
  3. Staffing and supervision guidelines must be followed.
  4. Male and female leaders are required for all overnight events that include both sexes. Male leaders shall oversee male attendees and female leaders shall oversee female attendees in private areas such as rooms/tents where attendees are sleeping.

Parents are encouraged to transport their own children to and from off-site events. In the event that attendees will be transported in personal vehicles by adults outside of their immediate family the Cold Lake Community Church Transportation Policy applies. * Refer to Transportation Policy in the additional forms section of the Policy.

Physical Contact Guideline

Sharing God’s love with children and youth is very important.  This does mean coming into physical contact with children and youth during programs and events such as when consoling a child or youth, playing games and other program activities. Any touch that does occur, even just a simple touch on the shoulder must be done in full view of other staff, and NEVER be alone with a child or youth under any circumstances.

All staff are expected to be aware of what constitutes appropriate touch:

  • One-arm hugs
  • Shoulder to shoulder hugs
  • A touch on the back or shoulder

When caring for pre-school children, the following will also constitute appropriate touch:

  • Hold a young child who is crying.
  • Allow a pre-schooler to sit on your lap if they initiate it. Only allow for a short time and then direct them to sit beside you.
  • Hold their hand or shoulder gently to keep their attention while you are speaking with them.
  • Hold their hand when walking with them to an activity.

Staff must refrain from inappropriate touch at all times including:

  • chest-to-chest hugging
  • extended hugging
  • over exuberant affection
  • lap sitting (even discouraged with pre-school children)
  • kissing - including the forehead
  • touching of thighs, knees or inappropriate spots of the body
  • Touching any area that could be covered by a bathing suit

Staff must be cognizant of conduct that could be misinterpreted:

  • Horseplay
  • tickling
  • extended back-rubs


Staff working with youth may not pursue a dating relationship with a student.

Children's Program Code of Conduct

Each classroom will have a code of conduct for the children and staff.  Every effort will be made to lovingly help children adhere to the code of conduct.  Also, staff will be conscientious in adhering to the established code of conduct.

See Codes of Conduct section in the Staff Handbook below.


Every effort will be made to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all in attendance during child and youth programs and events. All staff will make every effort to support and serve children and youth in a respectful and loving manner. Behavioural expectations will be communicated clearly on a regular basis by staff. If discipline is required, staff will do their best to:

  • deal with problems individually.
  • explain what was unacceptable, and point out how to correct it.
  • provide clear choices.
  • If nothing works, call the parents to pick up their child.
  • A student may be asked not to return to a youth program if correction is not heeded, and behaviour continues to display disrespect to other students or leaders or if they pose a safety concern to other students or staff.
Corporal punishment of any sort is never acceptable.
Classroom Safety

Electrical outlets will have child safe covers over them. Toys and furniture will be checked for safety before children arrive.

Toys, table surfaces, and other regularly used furniture will be cleaned on a regular basis.

Rooms and closets will be locked when not in use during children’s or youth programs.


It is the responsibility of the parent and/or student to report any allergies the child has during the registration process. The allergy will then be displayed on the name tag.

  • Check name tags for allergies before starting any food activities.
  • Staff, children, or visitors will NOT bring any food or drink into children’s programs.
  • Nursing mothers can use the mother's room to nurse their babies.

A child who is sick or has a communicable disease, will not be permitted to attend a child or youth program or event. If a child has had symptoms of illness in the past 24 hours, they should not attend a child or youth program or event.


Staff will not administer any medications to program or event attendees. 

During children’s programs, medications will not be stored in the classroom. In case of severe medication requirements, parent will position themselves near the front of the sanctuary for quick access.

For youth programs and events, medications will need to be stored, administered and monitored by the student


Separate injured person from others. Isolate any blood spills on floor, toys, etc. Ensure that no other children had contact with blood. Use gloves to help injured person or to clean up. Please dispose of all materials that came into contact with the blood while helping the injured person or cleaning up the blood. Tie the garbage bag closed so no one has access to the materials. Wash you hands once done.

See Appendix 9 of Plan to Protect®, 2007 - GO Protect document: P2P Appendix 9 for a more detailed process.


In case of an on-site emergency that requires evacuating the building, all children/youth and staff shall vacate the building via the nearest safe exit. Attendees and staff shall gather at the muster point 1 (the church dumpster). A roll call of all staff and attendees shall be taken by the program leader. In case of extreme weather conditions, staff will be directed to gather at Red Rooster. During children’s programs, do not release children to parents until the program leader has given permission to do so, and then only with Check-In Receipts.

Reporting and Response

Don’t try to triage suspected abuse incidents. Just as you don’t wait to call the fire department when a building is on fire, you also don’t wait to report abuse. The responsibility to report suspected abuse is the law in Canada!

If abuse is suspected, the person needs to contact a pastor and together complete the GO Protect document: Suspected Abuse Form. At this point do not ask the victim leading questions or contact the accused.

According to the Child and Family Services Act, any person with a reasonable suspicion of child abuse has a legal responsibility to immediately report the matter to child protection authorities or the police. Reporting must be done orally by telephone or in person within twenty-four hours of observing signs of abuse or receiving a report of abuse.

The Senior Pastor will:

  • Notify the Church’s insurance provider
  • Consult a lawyer for advice If the allegation or suspicion happened in the context of the church ministry
  • Contact the denominational leadership
  • Without admitting legal liability, express your organization’s concern to the complainant and their families and assure them of your commitment in assisting the investigation 

Both the accused and the victim will be treated with dignity and respect.

Confidentiality is very important for the benefit of both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator. Details of the alleged abuse must not be shared with the church community.

The alleged perpetrator will immediately be suspended from children’s or youth ministry duties without presuming guilt, pending outcome of police investigation.

Avoid public statements to individuals, the media or from the pulpit, without obtaining legal counsel. If needing to address the media, designate one person to do so and no one else.

Please remember to complete the training quiz.
Our Name


F = Follow Jesus
P = Persevere
G = and by his Grace
O = Overcome
GO into your destiny!
What the Team Says
Why do you serve in Children’s Ministry?

“My heart is to teach and show children God's love…  I believe everyone who is plugged into a church should serve in their church. I really enjoy kids and have little ones of my own so I know this is the place for me at this time of my life.“ - Kinsley

“I serve because I know that there is always a need for willing workers and I want to serve the Lord wherever I can.” - Elaine

“A lot of it is because of my past experiences working in kids church and not getting a lot of parent support. This motivated me to make sure that I am giving back to the church.  As a volunteer it shows my son (he'll understand when he's older) the value of helping others and serving.” - Lillian

“I feel God has called my here to serve, and I have children attend as well. I get excited to work with the kids, get to know them and see the growth in their lives.” - Joy

“It is so rewarding to see a child have an “a-ha” moment, that the light turns on and they come a little bit closer to all that God has for them.” - Jackie

“I feel it is a real tangible way to allow families to come to church and participate.  I use the service and feel that it is only fair that I also participate in helping.  ...My husband works shift work…  Without the child services at our church I would not feel like I could actively participate in church myself. It is a service I highly value.  I also value children and feel that it is a place where children should feel loved, safe and happy to go to.” - Amanda

Why would others want to serve in Children’s Ministry?

“It's a great way to serve and it's fun!” - Vicki

“To learn about the Lord, to humble themselves, to grow, to learn how to teach children and go home and teach their own children. To help serve!” - Danielle

“When you hear what your children learn, you can take that and help them connect it to their daily lives as opportunities arise.  This allows their relationship with Christ to deepen and church to become relevant to their lives.” - Sintia

“Seeing God through a child's eye helps to renew your spirit to strive to achieve that kind of relationship with God, Jesus & Holy Spirit. You get back a lot more than you could ever give.” - Michelle

“So they can see, first hand, what God can do with these little lives.  We see the children praying for one another, sharing how they have dealt with difficult circumstances, helping one another complete tasks (whether it be a game, a craft, a song, a skit), and enjoying the fellowship of other believers.  We're helping to prepare them for a life serving Christ.  There is a lot of satisfaction in that realization.” - Helen

“It's very rewarding, working with children is fun and if you can get things right, even for 5 minutes, it is very satisfying.  I know that we can't work our way into heaven however I do feel that God honors our service.  I believe my prayers have more strength, my faith grows stronger knowing that God has my back because I have his, (or at least his infants for 1.5 hrs a week).” - Jarl

“I feel if you are using the kids/nursery you should also volunteer, especially if there is a need. It is always important to see what your kids are learning and who is influencing them. I think we all benefit from leading and being involved with kids. It is always great to watch your own kids learn, interact and be excited about God.” - Alyssa

Codes of Conduct
Computer Sign-in
  • Be on time - 9:30
  • Be friendly to adults and kids
  • Assertively help people
  • When able, help people by getting the process started
  • Address people by name when possible
  • Know the code
  • Gentle hands (no discipline)
  • Gentle voice
  • Focus on the children (no cell phone)
  • Arrive 15 minutes before service
  • Leave the room tidy and clean
  • Take off your shoes
Toddler Room - Leaders
  • Speak words of life.
  • Support each other.
  • Come prepared. (spiritually, emotionally…)
  • Be sensitive to children’s needs.
  • Be on time- 9:45 am
  • Maintain the well being of the children.
  • Have fun!
Toddler Room - Toddlers
  • Share with others.
  • Obedience (Do what someone says, right away without being reminded.)
  • Hands are for helping.
  • All children participate.
  • Love one another.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Have fun!
Kids Church - Supervisors
  • Be encouraging.
  • Empower Jr Leaders to succeed.
  • Be attentive to individual needs.
  • Pray for our Jr Leaders.
  • Love them.
  • Teach, Learn, Grow.
  • Have fun!
Kids Church - Jr. Leaders
  • Be on time and come prepared
  • Be Assertive.
  • Lead by example.
  • Back each other up.
  • Notice your surroundings.
  • Put the kids first.
  • Do the little things.
  • Pursue God and listen to Holy Spirit.
  • Have fun!
Kids Church - Kids
  • Follow instructions.
  • Pay attention.
  • Participate.
  • Be Kind and Respectful.
  • Be Helpful-Lead others.
  • Have fun!
Preparation before Sunday

In order for Children’s Ministry to take place on a Sunday, staff will be needed. All staff working with Children at Cold Lake Community Church must be fully screened.

Staff Screening:

Criminal Record Check - please get the appropriate check. Talk to the children's pastor to find out what you need to get.
Complete Application Form - available above in the 'Information about JOINING OUR TEAM' section or at the church.
The references from your Application will be checked.  
A short interview will be done.
GO Protect must be completed and an agreement form must be signed.
GO Train - the first orientation training must be completed.

To keep Screening current:

Attend GO Protect once per year.

Attend GO Train sessions as provided.

Update your criminal record check every five years.

Once a person is screened, they become part of the staff. 


There is mandatory training at least once per year. Go Protect training will be provided once per year, typically in the fall, so everyone can remain up-to-date. If you are unable to attend a GO Protect training, please advise the leader so other arrangements can be made. You can also become GO Protect trained online- see GO Protect section above..


For any information that staff need to be aware of, come to this section (Information if you are ALREADY ON THE TEAM).


You decide how often you are able to serve - one service every other week is recommended. 

When you receive the invitation to serve, please respond in a timely manner so the scheduler can adjust the schedule accordingly. If you know of dates that you won't be available, please use the 'block' for those days ahead of time.

If you need to cancel your day, see if someone will trade with you.  Please let the Ministry lead know of any changes - or if you need help to find someone.


Being spiritually and physically ready to serve is important. Some ways to help you do so:

  • pray
  • read bible
  • follow Christ
  • notice God in all situations
In kids church: 

Check the lesson plan for the week.  If you have an idea, just Sintia.
Look over small group and station instructions so you know what is happening
Read scripture we will be studying that week

Computer Sign-In System
Staff Sign-In

All staff need to be signed into the appropriate classroom on the computer system as a staff member. You will not be issued a name tag. Please sign yourself in separately from any children attending kids services, or they will not get the appropriate name tags / receipts for that service.

Children Sign-In

All children need to be signed in.  Please direct parents to go to a computer sign-in station if a child does not have a name tag.

Visitor Sign-In

All visitors need to be signed in.  Please direct visitors (youth or adults) to the computer sign-in station and get a name tag.  Visitors are those who stay for an extended time and are not screened staff. Children are never visitors - they belong to a classroom.  If a parent just briefly comes in with an anxious child, a name tag is not needed.

Calling a Parent

If a child needs a parent for any reason, use the chat system set up on the computers or iPad in the classrooms.

  1. Check to be sure you are chatting with the sound booth.
  2. Enter the child’s number for that week and where the parent is needed (kids church/toddlers/babies).  
  3. Also enter the first/last name of the child or parent - this is only for the sound booth to know.  This helps them to check if the parent is getting up to answer the call.
  4. Check back with chat in case the sound booth has sent you any reply messages.  For example, if pastor is just wrapping up service they may message you to let you know that and see if the child can wait just a couple minutes more.  Reply back if you need parent immediately - choose words well, communication easily comes across as rude.
  5. Only release the child to the person who has the ‘Check-In Receipt’NO RECEIPT, NO CHILD.     ** If they lost their receipt, they will need to wait until everyone has left and they are the only ones left to pick up the child.
If service goes well overtime:

Babies/Toddlers - if needed, start calling parents for those children who need them, using chat.  

Kids Church - have activities children can do while they wait to be picked up. Call parents for kids who really need their parents.


When service is done, parents will come to pick up their children.  Please only release children to those who have the ‘check-in receipt’ that matches the child’s name tag!!!!!

If a parent has children in kids church, toddlers and BABIES:
  1. If they haven’t yet picked children up in one of the other rooms, and still need their receipt, simply place initial by child(ren) picked up and let them keep their receipt.
  2. If they have picked up children in another room, there should be initials by those names.  Take the receipt and keep it.  Those that are sticky just stick to the back of another.

Once all kids are gone, discard the receipts.


Some tools to remember that we have when there is misbehavior (taking toys, climbing on kids, pushing to get their way, hitting, ....):

  • Stop/Start - Come down to the child's eye level and tell them to STOP _______ behavior and START ________ instead. Be specific what they need to stop and start.  (Helps them to understand what is acceptable, rather than only knowing what they are not to do).
  • Pray - When child recognizes wrong behavior, have child pray (you can help them) asking Jesus to help them stop doing _____ and start doing _____.  Remember to also thank him for his help.
  • Forgiveness - It is important for the child to go to whomever they wronged, look at them, and say, "will you forgive me for _____"  (little kids will need help with this of course).  Sometimes child simply needs to go to an adult and ask forgiveness for not listening.  Adult - do NOT say "that's okay", because it wasn't okay for the child to not listen.  Instead, say, "I forgive you."  If you hear another child saying 'that's okay' teach them to extend forgiveness instead.
  • Call Parents - If behavior continues, feel free to involve parent, and have them take child for the rest of the service if necessary.  They are welcome to return next week.
Computer Station Staff

Upon arrival, check that computers are ready to go.

If there have been any people who pre-registered over the internet, a printout of their info will be at the check-in computer. It will indicate whether their info has been entered yet.  If not, do so asap.

Sunday Service in Babies
Code of Conduct

See Codes of Conduct Section - Above

Arrival Time
15 minutes before service:
  • * Do safety check:
    • plugs covered
    • toys in place and safe
    • no cords hanging down
    • no dangerous products in reach of children
    • everything is clean
  • * get cups and water for snack
  • * pray
  • * be ready to receive children.
Staff, Child, Visitor Sign-in / Calling a Parent

See ‘Computer Sign-In System’ Section - Above for more details.

During Service

Suggested Ratio - approximately 3:1  (call extra staff as needed)

As new research has identified many issues with babies and screen time, the TV will be off during service. If you wish to have some background music, you can play a DVD with the screen covered.

During the service, do the provided rhyme for the month with the children.

Children require interaction to learn. Much of your time will be talking and playing with the chidlren.

Remember, children learn through repetition.

Read and feel books

Sing songs with them

Speak identity into them - for ideas go to the 'I AM statements' and 'Names of Jesus' sections.

Serve snack and water part way through service if parent gave permission.

New Staff
Training a new staff:
  • show where things are
  • review with them some key ‘ GO Protect’ rules (never be alone with child, leave door open if in nursery by yourself, sign-in/out procedure, ….)
  • review babies routine with them
  • show them the different ministry ideas they can implement with the babies
Clean up
  • Wash/clean any sucked on / chewed toys.
  • Wipe down high chairs - food often gets stuck under cushion part so please check and wipe that part as well. Use the hand vacuum if needed.
  • Wipe down any other surface as needed.
  • Throw away broken toys.
  • Tidy up shelves, bins, etc.
  • Wash cups
    • wash in hot soapy water
    • rinse with clean hot water
    • Sanitize in bleach/hot water mixture (1 tsp bleach, 1 gallon hot water, leave cups in mixture for 1 minute)
    • let the cups air dry
Incident Report

If there was any unusual incident while you were ministering in the nursery (ie.  child was hurt, child hurt another child, ….), please complete an incident report.  They are located in one of the upper bins.  Once completed, leave with check-in receipts but please let the ministry lead of the day know that it is there. 

Sunday Service in Toddlers
Code of Conduct

See Codes of Conduct Section - Above

Arrival Time
15 minutes before service:
  • * Do safety check:
    • plugs covered
    • toys in place and safe
    • no cords hanging down
    • no dangerous products in reach of children
    • everything is clean
  • * pray
  • * be ready to receive children.
Staff, Child, Visitor Sign-in / Calling a Parent

See ‘Computer Sign-In System’ Section - Above for more details.

Toddlers Sunday Routine

See the schedule in the classroom. 

Clean up
  • Wash any sucked on / chewed toys.
  • Have tables wiped down, and any other surfaces that may need to be.
  • Put toys away in appropriate bins/areas.
  • Stack chairs in the corner and have tables lined up against the wall.
  • Vacuum where necessary.
  • Turn off the lights and make sure the door is closed.
  • If at anytime a toy is falling apart or questionable for safety, please feel free to throw it out.
  • Wash cups if used:
    • wash in hot soapy water
    • rinse with clean hot water
    • Sanitize in bleach/hot water mixture (1 tsp bleach, 1 gallon hot water, leave cups in mixture for 1 minute)
    • let the cups air dry
Incident Report

If there was any unusual incident while you were ministering in the nursery (ie.  child was hurt, child hurt another child, ….), please complete an incident report.  They are located in one of the upper bins.  Once completed, leave with check-in receipts but please let the ministry lead of the day know that it is there. 

Sunday Service in Kids Church
Arrival Time
Set up Stations:
  • make sure you have all supplies
  • set up any bins… to help distribute supplies
  • make sure station is ready to go to receive children

8:40, 10:40 team meeting and prayer

Be ready to receive children.

Staff, Child, Visitor Sign-in / Calling a Parent

See ‘Computer Sign-In System’ Section - Above for more details.

Children Arrive
  • Keep watch that none leave once they have arrived.  
  • Welcome them into your station or group.
  • Visit with them, get to know them.
  • Show them where the offering is if they have money.

Children are encouraged to learn about tithing by bringing a portion of their OWN money for offering. Many kids do not have any of their own money, so encourage them to ask Jesus for it if they want to have some for offering - they can often even find money in the Walmart parking lot.  If they bring offering, they can put it into the collection spot as they come into kids church (this way they don’t lose it).  Collection is for our 2 Haitian sponsor children.


We typically have a short time of worship during the morning.


If children need to use the bathroom, please have them use the bathroom in the craft room.

  • If everyone is in the main kids room, a supervisor needs to stand in the craft room but still be visible to others in the main room. This ensures that all is well with child and when child is done, s/he doesn’t accidentally exit through the wrong door.
  • If people are in craft room, they’ll be there to be sure child does not leave child area.  
  • If child needs help, don’t go into bathroom and close the door.  Help child with another staff present, OR call parent to help.
Water Fountain

We do not use the water fountain during kids church and instead have cups and water jug in the classroom. However, if the water fountain is used, please supervise kids using the water fountain. 

Lesson Time

All the children are divided among groups. Each group has at least one youth leader. The lesson has been adapted so that it incorporates the group structure. Groups will be given opportunity to have group discussions, read the bible as a group, do hands-on activities within the groups, and so on. 

Adult Supervisor:  If help is needed at the door, please tend to it so lesson is least disrupted as possible. Other than that, simply help where help is needed to support the groups.

Station Time

Children will have station choices.

Take charge of your station - you have the authority,

  • Make the station yours - bring your personality into it.  Make changes as needed.

  • Sit children where you need them to be.

  • Wait until they are listening before giving any instructions.

  • As you give instructions, check that children are still listening.

HINT: when speaking to the group, project your voice to speak to the child farthest away from you.

See “Kids Church Station Information” Section - Below, for more details such as Kids Learning to Lead and Station tips.

Parents Picking up children

ENTER the double doors. NO EXIT

GATHER your children.

GO out craft room door into the foyer.

Make sure their ‘check in receipt’ has been received and checked at the exit door.

See ‘Computer Sign-In System’ Section - Above for more details.

Welcome Cups

Any new children or visiting children who have not previously received a welcome cup will receive one at the end of service to take home.

Clean Up

Put supplies back where they belong - shelves in supply room are labeled.  Bins in quiet play are labeled.

Make sure chairs are stacked.

Wipe down tables as needed.

Kids Church Station Information
Kids Learning to Lead
Our job as leaders is to work ourselves out of a job.   

**  The goal during kids church is to keep adults in a supervisory role, while kids and youth run the stations.  This requires constant training.  Training begins from the time the child walks through our doors regardless of their age **

More details on this as we get the stages of leadership solidified.

When training a new person to lead a station, follow the: Show, Help, Do model of training. (this works for adults also).
  • Show - what to do - have them with you and explain what you are doing as you are doing it.  They may not catch on automatically what it is that you are doing without you pointing it out to them.  Example:  while waiting for kids to listen, you tell the trainee that you are not going to give instructions until kids are quiet.  Or as you speak loud enough to be heard, you tell trainee that you are projecting your voice to the back of the room. etc.
  • Help - If they want to try it, let them do it the second time around (they lead, you help as needed).
    As they have experienced the ‘show’ part during past services, they may be ready to immediately move to the ‘help’ part during current service.
  • Do - once a trainee is ready, let me know. 
Station Tips
Toy Station
  • get on the floor and play with the kids.
  • be interested in the play, make it fun
  • talk with the kids, get to know them
  • position your body so you face the whole room
  • be sure that kids stay in play area
  • anyone picking up their kids, check their 'check in receipt' before allowing them to leave with the child.
Game Station
  • take an inventory of who has come to your station.
  • decide how you will divide children if you need to divide them.
  • keep the game moving - don’t have kids standing around waiting.
  • find ways to involve as many children at once as possible.
  • feel free to adapt/change the game as needed.
Craft Station
Before kids Arrive
  • Please come early to set up.
  • Set up tables and chairs.  Cover tables if needed (covers are in file cabinet drawer in supply room).
  • Organize all supplies each table will need.

Have one bin per table with the needed supplies.  If there are supplies to be handed out after the instructions, have them well organized and sorted on your instructor's table.

Think about how you will hand those out quickly and effectively.

As kids Arrive

Have them sit at the tables and get them ready to listen.  If need be, move kids to where you wish them to sit. Don't be afraid to move them to certain spots.  For some crafts or depending upon the number of leaders you have, you are better off having 12 kids at 2 tables, and other times it will be better to spread them over 3 or 4 tables.

Once kids Are Ready
  • As children arrive, explain what they will be doing.

  • direct them to supplies needed that are not on their table.

  • Give other kids responsibility to help put names on crafts if help is needed  (they can use the name tags to help spell). 

  • If anyone needs help don’t just go and help them.  This is an equipping center.  Ask children at the table if anyone is able to help other child.  (If no one volunteers, you assign someone OR you do it).

  • If you have a child who needs lots of extra help, ask another child to help them.  If a child is helping another child, they do NOT HAVE to do the craft themselves.

As Kids Finish
  • Direct them to put finished item at the appropriate location.
  • Make hand wipes available.
  • If finished, they can stay and help/visit, or they can go to another station.
At End of Service

Clean up craft room putting supplies back into craft supply cupboard.  Vacuum and wipe down tables if necessary.  

GO Protect at CLCC

See "GO Protect" section above.